The Forever Living Dream


Everyone wishes to be healthy and beautiful.  Each one of us dreams about living a worthy and happy life.  How can we achieve this?  How can we continue caring for our wellness without having to worry about disrupting our financial stability?  Cooperation with the Forever Living Products company combines business with pleasure, ensuring a safe way of life with team marketing.
For some, working for Forever Living Products may be a second job.  For those who give it their complete attention, FLP can evolve into a personal business.  Rex Maughan – the founder and president of the board of Forever Living Products believes that:

”One of the greatest sources of illness in the world is an empty wallet; if you want to decrease the number of people suffering, just give them a chance to earn an honest living!” –
Just as a lighthouse helps ships safely find their way to port, these words can guide us toward the right choices and decisions.

Dear Student – be your own boss!

Are you interested in work that allows you to establish a wide range of contacts while working at a time that is convenient for you, never conflicting with class hours?  Are you looking for a job without a boss and commitment, and yet still adequately rewarded for work and effort?  Would you like to combine work with pleasure, while also having the opportunity to travel the world?
If so, working with Forever is perfect for you!  With us, you can:
– work as a distributor, and doing so take control of your own destiny.
– build your own circle of colleagues, creating a very profitable business.
– attain additional rewards, and live knowing that you are fulfilling your dreams.
– achieve even your most ambitious goals.

Are you retired?  Then you have time and experience!

Times have changed.  Today, experience and commitment are valued more than ever, while time is a very scarce product.  Therefore, senior citizens are becoming an invaluable group of potential employees.  Different life experiences have shaped a calmer response to the unexpected.  Knowing that good things require both time and dedication allows for a more patient approach.
Dear senior citizen, you have the right to a better, more interesting life, and you can achieve this by engaging you time in work with Forever.  You’ll find many benefits in such work, some of which are:
– Improved financial stability, which in turn provides comfort and peace of mind.
– Continuously developing new skills and meeting new people through the participation in numerous training courses and workshops.
– Improved health and beauty.
– Being able to help family and friends (maybe even spoiling your grandchildren!).

Provide prosperity to your family!

For most of us, family is of the highest importance.  We yearn to meet our soul mate, and later to experience the joy of being a happy parent.  However, are we really happy?
Most of us know this story.  Eventually, life throws some challenges our way.  Working full-time plus, at times, taking on a few odd jobs to support the family – even with two paychecks financial problems still manage to catch up with us.  Work leads to fatigue and lack of strength, which in turn cause health problems.  On top of all this, the overall dissatisfaction with work and lack of self-development only deepen one’s frustration.

Work with Forever is simple, clear.  It can help you feel fulfilled, while also improving your financial situation.  What’s more, your age, education and place of residence are not important.  Therefore, I would like to suggest work that:
– is rewarded proportionally to the effort.
– provides your family with financial security.
– combines work with pleasure.
– allows you to spend more time with your family and loved ones.
– allows you to be your own boss.
– gives you the opportunity to travel the world.

Remember – your family deserves a decent and happy life!
P.S. Cooperation of both spouses exponentially improves results, as they can mutually support and help each other 🙂

Earn money while helping others lose weight!

Forever’s weight loss program is one of the best ways to drastically increase your income.  Today, the number of overweight and obese people have risen to a new high.  Therefore, the demand for products that can help one return to a normal weight is huge.
There isn’t a person in the world who would not want to look and feel better, or who does not want ot lose (at least) a few pounds.  Virtually ever person you know knows someone who would like to lose weight and is in need of a lifestyle change.  You can take advantage of this incredible marketing opportunity.  The system is very simple, safe and, at the same time, effective.  It can help change eating habits, which will help anyone enjoy a healthier life and beautiful appearance.

How can you benefit?
– by shedding a few extra pounds, you can become a living advertisement for the products, which will result in your financial success.
– your slim and smiling customers will have a better chance of finding a great job and will recommend your products to others.

So you are young mother – you can still earn an income!

Have you recently had a baby?  Are you on maternity leave?  Maybe struggling with lack of money, poor heath or the monotony of everyday life?  You are probably looking for a way to make the best use of your time, but you would still like to be close to your little one.
There is a way to combine the best of both worlds – you don’t have to sacrifice time with your child in order to achieve your goals.  As a mother, you can raise your child while running your own business!  You can easily combine your parental and occupational responsibilities by setting your own work hours.  You can be your own boss and, most importantly, earn money.  Working with Forever Living Products, you can have a permanent, consistent job.

How can this work?
– You will learn a new profession that will provide your family with financial security.
– You will be able to achieve our professional goals.
– You can help others find a job, which will give you the joy of helping others.
– By using products of the highest quality, your beauty and health will stand out amongst  your friends and co-workers.
– You will meet new people with a positive attitude toward life.

Dear Teacher – make the most of your potential!

As a professional group, teachers possess certain characteristics that help them perform exceptionally well in a marketing team.  Among these qualities are versatile knowledge, predispositions and, above all, self-motivation.
Here are a few characteristics of a teacher who, after working in the education system, is able to perfectly adapt to marketing team requirements.

– is able to take initiative to meet challenges on his/her own.
– is involved in teamwork on a daily basis.
– is responsible.
– shares his/her experiences with others.
– is able to reflect on his/her actions, and therefore knows the importance of self-perfection.
– is creative.
– knows the latest literature.
– happily takes on additional tasks and challenges.
– trusts others.
– likes children and adolescents.
– knows the importance of self-discipline.

These features prove to be extremely useful while striving to achieve one’s dreams of a wonderful life, traveling and meeting new people.  In addition, individuals in this profession possess one more crucial advantage – school holidays allow more time to work with Forever. 

For more info visit



We all know that in order to lose weight we need to eat less and exercise more – but research suggests they are a few other tricks when it comes to shedding the kilos.
From how to laugh yourself slim to why carrot juice should be part of any slimmer’s daily diet, here is a round-up of the Top 44 diet tips…

NOTE: It is always important to start by detoxing first before emabrking on any weight-loss program and Forever Clean 9 is recommended in that regard,thereafter a Forever Nutri-Lean combo is recommended.

1 Sprinkle cinnamon into yorghut everyday to burn fat. The spice is a powerful metabolism-raiser. Half a teaspoon a day is enough to burn an extra kilo a month.

2 Take lunch breaks away from your desk. You’ll consume 250 fewer calories in a day than those who eat as they work.

3 Have a laugh. A good strong laugh for 10-15 minutes a day increases weekly energy consumption by up to 280 calories.

4 A glass of carrot juice a day will help you lose almost 2kg over 12 weeks compared to non-juice drinkers. It‘s high in fibre and nutrients than help burn blubber.

5 Take a calcium supplement. You’ll lose 2,6 % more fat than those who don’t.

6 Red meat can help you lose weight. It packs a lot of the proteins that help you maintain muscle mass – and muscle burns four times as many calories as fat.

7 Don’t exercise alone. Train with friends and lose a third more weight than if you go on your own. You’ll maintain motivation by exercising socially, and benefit from mutual encouragement.

8 Eat red peppers. They contain capsaicin, the chemical that gives them their distinctive taste and which boosts your resting metabolic rate by 25%.

9 Stress at work is the biggest cause of over-eating. Controlled breathing for two minutes, focusing on your diaphragm, will dampen hunger pangs.

10 Exercising first thing in the morning helps you to burn fat faster. You’ll shed a kilo quicker than at any other time, as your body will be forced to tap into your fat reserves for energy.

11 Turn off your TV while you eat, as the distraction postpones the point at which you stop eating. This can cut 3.5kg of weight gain each year.

12 Drizzle on some hot soy sauce to shed the kilos. Research shows soy proteins interact with receptors in our brains that tell us we’re full.

13 Slice your food to consume 20% fewer calories. People rate sliced serving as 27% larger than equal amounts of whole veg – and so pile less onto their plates.

14 Hit the treadmill. The running machine is the best tool in the gym to burn the most calories in the shortest time.

15 Eat vitamin-filled melon followed by protein rich egg for a perfect fat-fighting breakfast. The eggs even break down the melon’s carb.

16 A daily glass of red wine can stop you putting on fat, especially around your belly. Resveratrol from the grapes inhibits the development of fat cells around your waist.

17 Discover the classics. By listening to relaxing music while you eat, you’ll consume less, as you chew at a more leisurely pace and be more in tune with your body, so you stop eating when you feel full.

18 Chew sugar-free gum for 15 minutes after eating, and again two hours later, to cut snack cravings.

19 Have more sex. As well as burning 150 calories every 20 minutes, it boosts hormone that increase your metabolism and less muscle growth.

20 Eat pomegranates. Their seed oil reduces the body’s fat abilities to store fat, and they’re so sweet they’ll curb your desire for sugar snacks.

21 Fire up the braai to grill the calories in your meat. Grilling meat lets extra fat escape while it cooks.

22 Sip green tea. It contains a compound that reacts with caffeine to boost fat oxidation and resting metabolism by 20%.

23 Eat chilli corn carne once a week. An enzyme in the kidney beans tells the body to break down stored fat instead of carbohydrates for energy, while mince boosts your metabolism.

24 Choose spinach ahead of other greens. It packs double the fibre, which helps the body process fats more efficiently.

25 Swap your regular cheese for goat’s cheese. It is 40% lower in calories than the cheese made from cows’ milk.

26 Add lentils to each meal to lose more than 7kg in 10 weeks. The pulse are packed with amino acids leucine, which burns fat fast.

27 Eat “good” fats to burn fat. Eggs, walnuts and rapeseed oil are all good for this, and also help cut the risk of heart disease.

28 Eat breakfast. Those who fail to kickstart their metabolism with a meal first thing eat 100 times more calories a day.

29 Eat an apple 15 minutes before a meal. You’ll consume an average of 187 fewer calories if you do.

30 Drizzle a little olive oil on salads. It’s good fatty acids trigger a protein that tells the body it’s full, to prevent you from overeating.

31 Putting tomatoes in your sandwiches will keep you feeling fuller for longer and make you less likely to gorge on post lunchtime snacks. The fruit suppresses the hormone ghrelin which is responsible for hunger pangs.

32 Leave a maximum of three hours between meals. This ensures your metabolic rate doesn’t fluctuate

33 Eat pineapple. It’s not only a great snack to spark your metabolism, it contains bromolina which helps break down protein.

34 Add paprika to meals. Its ground red peppers contain six times the vitamin C of tomatoes, crucial for helping your body to fat into energy.

35 Vinegar-based food dressings contain acetic acids, which speeds up the rate at which your body burns fat. Add a few glugs of vinaigrette or vinegar daily to your salads and sauces.

36 Sit down at a table to eat. You’ll consume a third less than when munching on the move.

37 If it didn’t grow, walk or swim, don’t eat. Processed foods are loaded with unhealthy transfats and artificial sweeteners.

38 Walk around after exercise to keep your fat fighting enzymes working. Sitting for too long deactivates them.

39 Avoid energy drinks. The energy is released too quickly and they can make you fat.

40 Swop full cream milk for skimmed milk in tea and coffee and with cereal. Not only does skimmed milk have half the calories, it has more calcium and phosphorous, which increase fat breakdown in cells.

41 Eat three 250 calories protein-rich snacks a day between meals – for example, a sliced chicken breast, or 185g tin of tune fish in spring water with low fat mayo on crisp bread. Those who do so are 30% more likely to lose weight.

42 To burn more calories listen to music that builds in tempo during your workout. It help guard against fatigue.

43 Eat with others. Research shows that people tend to match their food intake to their dining partner. Eating with a woman friend should mean 35% fewer calories.

44 Drink juice with “bits” in. The extra fibre makes you feel fuller for longer.

Protect your skin from the harsh weather Naturally.

Protect your skin with Forever Living Health & Beauty Products

Protect your skin from dryness by applying our soothing and rehydrating lotions, enriched with Aloe Vera gel, to your body or face. Aloe Vera gel , a super emollient and emulsifier, penetrates human skin faster than water, restoring the hydration level in the dermis and epidermis layers of the skin.

Even though we all know the amazing benefits of FLP Aloe Vera and it’s remarkable skin-conditioning properties. It ‘s always helpful to remind ourselves just how wonderful this ingredients really is. Further studies have indicated that Aloe may produce an anti-ageing effect on the skin as strong as Retinoic Acid. Yet, unlike Retinoic Acid, the Polysaccharides in the Aloe Vera are not irritating to the skin. Aloe Vera has the ability to moisturize without closing off to the oxygen to the skin the way petroleum-based, man made chemicals can. Which ingredient would you rather have on your skin?

Aloe Propolis Crème

Who but Forever Living Products could produce a moisturizer as unique as Aloe Propolis Crème? Combining our world leadership in Aloe Vera and Beehive products, Aloe Propolis Crème is one of our most popular skin care products. Excellent as a skin moisturizer and conditioner, Aloe Propolis Crème is a rich blend of stabilized Aloe Vera Gel and Bee Propolis, with other ingredients recognized for their contribution to healthy skin. Chamoline, one of nature’s best known skin care herbs is also added to the mix. Vitamin A and E complete the formula, recognized for their natural skin-conditioning properties. Reach for Aloe Propolis Crème to help maintain a healthy skin tone and texture.

Aloe Lotion

One of our signature products, Aloe Lotion is a wonderful, all purpose, concentrated skin lotion with Jojoba Oil and Vitamin E to moisturize and soothe the skin. Collagen and elastin are added to this fine mix to assist in keeping the skin smooth and supple. It is an ideal choice for applying to dry, chafed, wind-blown or weathered skin. Light in scent but long on soothing dry, irritated skin, Aloe Lotion quickly restores your skin’s delicate pH balance to keep it supple and soft. Our improved formula takes advantage of the latest breakthroughs in skin care technology to make Aloe Lotion feel sensational all over your face and body!

Aloe Moisturizing Lotion

Weather, wind and pollution – day in, day out, they take their toll on your skin. Now you can help your skin overcome the elements with our exquisite Aloe Moisturizing Lotion. This unique lotion has an outstanding humectant and moisturizing properties. It contains Collagen and Elastin to keep the skin smooth, soft and elastic while maintaining the skin’s natural pH balances. Thicker than our Aloe Lotion, it is ideal for replenishing lost moisture and restoring skin’s soft, silky feel. Aloe Moisturizing Lotion is excellent for face, hands and body, helping to counteract the effects of pollution and the environment. Once the lotion has been smoothed on and absorbed through the skin, make-up can be applied as usual.

Aloe Lips

The soothing properties of Aloe Vera are ideally suitable to care for your lips. Aloe, jojoba and beeswax combine to create the finest all-season lip product on the market today. Aloe Lips soothes, smoothes and moisturizers chapped and dry lips. Whether you are skiing, sunbathing or enjoying the outdoors, it’s compact size makes it convenient to keep on hand. If your lips could talk, they’d ask for Aloe Lips!

Purchase Only Original Products. Contact us at

Eating Disorders Can Ruin Your Life!!

Weight Gain and Obesity

If you eat a lot of food in a short amount of time on a regular basis, you might have binge eating disorder (BED). It can affect your health in a lot of ways, but two of the main risks are weight gain and obesity. Two-thirds of those with BED are obese, though average-sized people can have it, too.

What to Do About the Extra Weight

Set a goal to shed those added pounds. You can reach a healthy weight with exercise, portion control, and smart food choices. But you might need a special program that also treats eating disorders. Your doctor can help you find the right one.

Type 2 Diabetes

Overeating can lead to diabetes. That means your body can’t use the hormone insulin correctly, which makes your blood sugar levels harder to control. Over time, this can damage your kidneys, your eyes, and your heart.

How to Handle Your Diabetes

The more you know about diabetes, the better you can take control of your condition. You’ll need to keep track of your blood sugar levels, eat a healthy diet, and get plenty of exercise. You may need medication to manage the disease, but not everyone does.

Depression and Anxiety

Binge eating disorder often goes hand in hand with mood troubles. Doctors think many things can lead to BED, so it’s hard to say for sure that depression or anxiety cause it. But people who binge eat often feel shame and guilt about their problem. Most try to hide it.

How to Manage Mood Disorders

Eat nutritious food, exercise, and get your ZZZs, because healthy habits like those can help you fight your anxiety or depression. But treatment for BED also might include sessions with a mental health professional, who could recommend talk therapy, antidepressant medications, or other medicines that can help treat binge-eating behavior.

Troubles With Digestion

Long-lasting heartburn and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can also happen to people who binge eat. Those issues are often linked with weight gain and obesity, so doctors aren’t sure if the disorder itself or the excess pounds are to blame.

Treatment for Heartburn and IBS

Heartburn that doesn’t get better can cause serious issues, including damage to your esophagus, the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. See your doctor if you have it twice a week or more. She might give you prescription meds or tell you to see another doctor who specializes in digestion. For IBS, a healthy diet and cutting stress can help, but you may also need medication.

Gallbladder Disease

Many health problems linked to BED -- obesity, high cholesterol, high triglycerides (fat in your blood), and yo-yo weight gain and loss -- also raise the risk of trouble with your gallbladder. That's the small pouch that sits under your liver. The most common problem is gallstones, the buildup of cholesterol or bile in the organ.

Treatment for Gallstones

Your doctor might be able to remove them with surgery, or she may have to take out your gallbladder. Sometimes doctors prescribe a drug to dissolve gallstones, but that’s not a long-term solution.

Stroke and Heart Disease

High blood pressure and high cholesterol are common with BED, and they can raise your chances of a stroke and heart disease. When your blood pressure stays too high for a long time, it strains your blood vessels. And high cholesterol can clog your arteries.

Make Heart-Smart Changes

Stop smoking, lose extra weight, and exercise regularly to lower your blood pressure. Those same steps can lower your cholesterol, as will a diet rich in vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Your doctor might also prescribe drugs to keep your BP and cholesterol numbers low.

Do you have any health condition like H.B.P, Heart issues, infertility, fibroid, tumors, infections, male/female sexual problems, Diabetes, body/join pains, stubborn fat, HIV, TB or any other health issues, inbox us for herbal remedies as privacy is assured...
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Changing Lives Forever!

Have you ever wanted a Home-Based Business with Little Risk and an Unlimited Potential to create Wealth for you and your loved ones?

Forever Living Products is structured as a multi-level marketing company, otherwise referred to as an 'MLM.' This structure is designed to let you be our marketing and sales force. 
You Own your own business

Your destiny is in your own hands. Instead of making your boss rich, all the work you do is actually to your own benefit.

  Minimal risk and zero overhead costs.

Traditional brick-and-mortar businesses cost tens of thousands of dollars to establish, not to mention a bank loan that will take you decades to repay. Starting your home-based business with Forever Living only costs you a few hundred dollars.
No limit to your earnings
Corporate jobs limit your pay range based on a market standards. With Forever Living, there is no cap on how much you earn. The harder you work, the more money you make. You are in total control.

Residual and Recurrent Income.

Perhaps the greatest benefit that our multi-level marketing strategy offers is lasting income. You will always earn commissions on the Distributors you introduce to Forever Living, continually reaping the benefits of your hard work, forever.

  Forever Living was designed for your success. There’s little or no risk and unlimited potential.   

To take a step that could change your life forever! Visit or contact us at